This Week in Pendant

TWIP is a weekly round-up of Pendant's shows, featuring news, interviews, preview trailers and generally more than you probably ever wanted to know about Pendant Productions!

The content of TWIP varies and may, at times, contain adult language and themes.


You may submit general Pendant questions at any time, as well as questions for upcoming interview guests.

Submit your questions now!

The theme to TWIP is "Mister Exposition"
Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Episode Archive

  • One Hundred Fiftieth Episode

    Episode Number: 150

    The 2022 Pendy Awards are open for nominations through Nov. 15! Final voting will run from Nov. 16 - Nov. 30. Be sure all your favorites get the recognition they deserve! More Pendant shows are charting around the world, which is just as keen as it ever was. We've got exclusive previews of "The Kingery" episode 12x02, The Pendant Shakespeare's "Sonnets" part 17, "The Secret and Impossible League of the Noosphere" episode 5, and "Genesis Avalon: Patriot" episode 8, and Jordan and Tilly bridges and Susan Bridges discuss writing and producing and how incredibly too busy they (we?) are. We take it away, all of the time! Feel the rub.

    Episode download: TWIP150master.mp3

    Release Date: November 6, 2022

    Run Time: 57:30
  • One Hundred Forty-ninth Episode

    Episode Number: 149

    Welcome to spoopy season! We've got news on "The Secret and Impossible League of the NoöSphere" and its release schedule, and more Pendant shows are charting around the world! No it's cool, trust us. We've also got exclusive previews of "The Kingery" season 12 premiere, "SILON" episode 2, The Pendant Shakespeare's "Double Falsehood" act V, "Seminar" episode 107, And "Genesis Avalon: Patriot" episode 7! Not to mention that Jordan and Justin Fife discuss bad guys with soft sides, Shatnering, and killing characters! Sweden?? Let it roll.

    Episode download: TWIP149master.mp3

    Release Date: October 2, 2022

    Run Time: 42:17
  • One Hundred Forty-eighth Episode

    Episode Number: 148

    Let's get the big news up front: we've got the world premiere of the preview trailer for our brand new show SILON, "The Secret and Impossible League of the Noösphere," which premieres on September 21st! We also just passed a birthday, we've got reports of our shows charting on Apple Podcasts around the world, and exclusive previews of The Pendant's Shakespeare's "Double Falsehood" act IV and "Genesis Avalon: Patriot" episode 6! And Jordan and Cole Kozlov discuss John Rogers, The Twilight Zone, and Captain Pike's hair! It's good for you to hear from us!

    Episode download: TWIP148master.mp3

    Release Date: September 4, 2022

    Run Time: 40:45
  • One Hundred Forty-seventh Episode

    Episode Number: 147

    Who wants to find out what brand-new Pendant show is coming to your ears soon? You do! It's called SILON and you're going to love it! Wait, what the heck is a SILON? Show creator/writer Darian Lindle is here to tell you all about it! We've got news on director shifts, and more Pendant shows charting around the world! Not to mention previews of The Pendant Shakespeare's "Double Falshehood" act III and "Seminar" episode 106, and Jordan and Kim Gianopoulos discuss screaming, being scary, and character evolution! Hey, we've got tests and explanations! How horrid.

    Episode download: TWIP147master.mp3

    Release Date: August 7, 2022

    Run Time: 1:27:59
  • One Hundred Forty-sixth Episode

    Episode Number: 146

    Hi! If you don't believe in bodily autonomy and equal rights, please stop listening to our shows and eject yourself into the sea forthwith. "The Pendant Shakespeare" charts in Italy, which is pretty spicy! We've got news on the ol' Bard and director changes, our still-unannounced new show will be coming to you very soon, and our tentative release calendar is updated! We've got an exclusive preview of "Double Falsehood" act II, and Jordan and Andre Vernot discuss vulnerability, French names, and bring you all the info on beautiful downtown Burbank that you could ever ask for. Now with more emphaticness!

    Episode download: TWIP146master.mp3

    Release Date: July 3, 2022

    Run Time: 44:50
  • One Hundred Forty-fifth Episode

    Episode Number: 145

    Our shows continue to find new international fans, which is supremely cool. We're charting all over the world! The Pendant Shakespeare's "Double Falsehood" gets a premiere date, we've got exclusive previews of "Seminar" episode 105 and... The Pendant Shakespeare's "Double Falsehood" act I (that premiere date is pretty soon, hey?), and Jordan and Andrew Hackley discuss finishing off characters, tentacle noises, and robo-lovin'! Also Susan gets somewhat location-ist, our apologies. De-brain with us, won't you?

    Episode download: TWIP145master.mp3

    Release Date: June 5, 2022

    Run Time: 52:44
  • One Hundred Forty-fourth Episode

    Episode Number: 144

    "Mage and Machine" had a really big week in South Korea, and the as yet unrevealed new show is nearing production completion! Will we reveal it soon? Who can say. We've got an exclusive preview of "Genesis Avalon: Patriot" episode 5, and Jordan and M Sieiro Garcia discuss allergies, industrial voiceovers, and Wordle! Please to enjoy this monthly weekly show!

    Episode download: TWIP144master.mp3

    Release Date: May 1, 2022

    Run Time: 1:09:58
  • One Hundred Forty-third Episode

    Episode Number: 143

    Did you know new stuff you haven't heard yet is still in production? It's true, and much of it will be coming your way this summer! We've got exclusive previews of "Seminar" episode 104 and "Genesis Avalon: Patriot" episode 4, and Jordan and Jillian Morgan discuss line recording/auditioning tips, getting your ass kicked on "The Kingery," and yep yep yep oh crap! Please join the Mistress of the Sky in realizing our best might not be very good.

    Episode download: TWIP143master.mp3

    Release Date: April 3, 2022

    Run Time: 53:57
  • One Hundred Forty-second Episode

    Episode Number: 142

    Spotify decided to be awful, and so we kicked 'em to the curb. Who needs ya? "The Kingery" made the list of FeedSpot's top 60 sci-fi podcasts ever, which is pretty dang dope! We've got exclusive previews of The Pendant Shakespeare's complete "Troilus and Cressida" and "Genesis Avalon: Patriot" episode 3, and Jordan and Rukshin Shaher discuss being brave, negative roles, and time commitments! Let's all exhale some vapor! (I'm being told by my producer that we should move on.)

    Episode download: TWIP142master.mp3

    Release Date: March 6, 2022

    Run Time: 32:11
  • One Hundred Forty-first Episode

    Episode Number: 141

    "Genesis Avalon: Patriot" is finally here to rock your world, and your world will be rocked! Our release calendar/Coming Soon section has been updated through 2022, so now you know when all episodes of your favorites will be hitting your ear holes. We've got exclusive preview clips of "The Kingery" episode 11x12 (season finale!), "Mage and Machine" episode 2x10 (also season finale!), "Seminar" episode 103, and "Genesis Avalon: Patriot" episode 2, and Jordan and Erin King discuss black ice, glitter pens, and death scenes. Thanks, Jillian!

    Episode download: TWIP141master.mp3

    Release Date: January 30, 2022

    Run Time: 49:08
  • One Hundred Fortieth Episode - 2021 Pendy Awards!

    Episode Number: 140

    It's the 2021 Pendy Awards! Celebrating excellence in Pendant Productions as voted on by YOU! Congratulations to all the winners and nominees, and thank you so much for listening! Fill your sails with woo!

    Episode download: TWIP140master.mp3

    Release Date: January 2, 2022

    Run Time: 33:06
  • One Hundred Thirty-ninth Episode

    Episode Number: 139

    Voting for the 2021 Pendy Awards ends in two days, so get your votes in by 11:59 pm Pacific time on Nov. 30 and be sure your favorites get your support! "Genesis Avalon: Patriot" is on track to premiere this winter, and you may be hearing it sooner than you think! We've got exclusive preview clips of "The Kingery" episode 11x10, "Mage and Machine" episode 2x08, and "Seminar" episode 102, and the Jordans (Gottlieb and Drayer) discuss deviousness, defeathering chickens, and Florida! Have a safe and happy new year!

    Episode download: TWIP139master.mp3

    Release Date: November 28, 2021

    Run Time: 39:42
  • One Hundred Thirty-eighth Episode

    Episode Number: 138

    Our Coming Soon section has been updated (again, as is wont to happen) through September of 2022, so you'll always know when to get your Pendant goodies. The Pendy Awards open for nominations and voting in November, so keep an eye on the website! New shows are moving through production, we've got exclusive previews of "The Kingery" episode 11x09, The Pendant Shakespeare's Sonnets part 16, and "Mage and Machine" episode 2x07, and Jordan and Katy Milholland discuss fall, training tutorials, and emoting!

    Episode download: TWIP138master.mp3

    Release Date: October 31, 2021

    Run Time: 37:51
  • One Hundred Thirty-seventh Episode

    Episode Number: 137

    We're now on Samsung Podcasts! Which is neat if you have a Samsung device. Right? Sure. Our "Coming Soon" section on the website has been updated... did you know we have a website? It's true, you should visit it sometime! We've got exclusive preview clips of "The Kingery" episode 11x08, The Pendant Shakespeare's "Pericles, Prince of Tyre" act V, "Mage and Machine" episode 2x06, and "Seminar" episode 101! And Jordan and Genny Sherard discuss getting attached, not sounding angry, and theater kids!

    Episode download: TWIP137master.mp3

    Release Date: October 3, 2021

    Run Time: 36:29
  • One Hundred Thirty-sixth Episode

    Episode Number: 136

    We're now on Amazon Music! Why? Good question. "Genesis Avalon: Patriot" is well into production, and on track for a possible winter premiere! As is the other new show we've not yet told you the title for, which is now almost entirely done recording. Are you not enticed? We've got exclusive preview clips of "The Kingery" episode 11x07 and The Pendant Shakespeare's "Pericles, Prince of Tyre" act IV, and Jordan and Lisa Michaud discuss French pronunciations, valley girls, and birthday presents. C'mon party people, grab some listenables!

    Episode download: TWIP136master.mp3

    Release Date: September 5, 2021

    Run Time: 39:26
  • One Hundred Thirty-fifth Episode

    Episode Number: 135

    "The Kingery" has some staffing changes, and "Genesis Avalon: Patriot" has an official cast and has begun recording! We've got an exclusive preview clip of The Pendant Shakespeare's "Pericles, Prince of Tyre" act III and "Seminar" episode 100, and Jordan and Jeff Robinson discuss quarantine hobbies, hamming it up, and ungiven last names! Apologies and imperfections for all!

    Episode download: TWIP135master.mp3

    Release Date: August 1, 2021

    Run Time: 42:06
  • One Hundred Thirty-fourth Episode

    Episode Number: 134

    "Genesis Avalon: Patriot" is not only moving right along, but it's going to be casting. VERY, VERY SOON! Keep your eyes open! If all goes well it'll be in production by the end of the month! Supes exciting. And our new still-unnamed-to-you show should begin recording imminently, so that's also supes exciting! So many exclamation points! We've got an exclusive preview clip of The Pendant Shakespeare's "Pericles, Prince of Tyre" act II, and Jordan and Alexandra Jameson discuss jinxes, porn-pocalypses, and being a grown-ass woman! Is this prossibly a great TWIP? Yes... prossibly.

    Episode download: TWIP134master.mp3

    Release Date: July 4, 2021

    Run Time: 39:16
  • One Hundred Thirty-third Episode

    Episode Number: 133

    Our as-yet unrevealed new show will be recording soon, we've got a bevvy of Genesis Avalon news (for all values of "bevvy" greater than one and less than three), and "Pericles, Prince of Tyre" gets a premiere date... much sooner than you think! We've got exclusive preview clips of The Pendant Shakespeare's "Pericles, Prince of Tyre" act I (see, we told you! surprise?) and "Seminar" episode 99, and Jordan and Adam Blanford discuss English accents, and not being a nice guy! Pop those peepers!

    Episode download: TWIP133master.mp3

    Release Date: June 6, 2021

    Run Time: 1:04:19
  • One Hundred Thirty-second Episode

    Episode Number: 132

    Our as-yet unrevealed new show is through the script editing process and is in pre-production, "Dreamnasium" season two scripts are done, and The Pendant Shakespeare's "Pericles, Prince of Tyre" should premiere later this summer if all goes according to plan! We've got an exclusive preview of "The Kingery" episode 11x06, and Jordan and Shawn Traill discuss mask fashion, husks, and gumshoes! Let's do some psychoanalysis!

    Episode download: TWIP132master.mp3

    Release Date: May 2, 2021

    Run Time: 46:11
  • One Hundred Thirty-first Episode

    Episode Number: 131

    "Dreamnasium" is moving along! Again. I mean, it was before, but now it still is, and anyway it's all good news. A new upcoming scripted show has a directing team attached and its scripts are presently in revisions, and will hopefully debut before the end of the year! We've got exclusive preview clips of "The Kingery" episode 11x05, "Mage and Machine" episode 2x05 (the mid-season finale!), and "Seminar" episode 98! And Jordan and Perry Whittle discuss time traveling, playing god, and chess stories! Reminder: this show is not for rudes, be you human or otherwise.

    Episode download: TWIP131master.mp3

    Release Date: April 4, 2021

    Run Time: 49:00
  • One Hundred Thirtieth Episode

    Episode Number: 130

    If you were wondering, now that we have a new unscripted show, if there might be another one of those debuting soon, the answer is... yes. In fact, it's already debuted! "Pulp Today" runs every Monday and will put choice snippets of classic pulp fiction right into your brain! Our Google Podcasts issues have been resolved, so now all our feeds are where they're supposed to be... which seems like a good thing. We've got preview clips of "The Kingery" episode 11x04 and "Mage and Machine" episode 2x04, and Jordan and Kirsty Woolven discuss conversions, beer money, and feral cats! Grab your sexy cookies and have a listen!

    Episode download: TWIP130master.mp3

    Release Date: March 7, 2021

    Run Time: 43:57
  • One Hundred Twenty-ninth Episode

    Episode Number: 129

    Our mailing list is gone! Who knew we even still had a mailing list? Precious few!  The Pendant Shakespeare's "Pericles" casting call has concluded, Google Play/Google Podcasts is a headache, and we have a new show that's non-scripted non-fiction, "The Writers Block!" You definitely need to check it out if you have any interest in comic books, geeky stuff, writing, art, or publishing. And if you don't have an interest in any of those things, you're probably not reading this. We've got exclusive previews of "The Kingery" episode 11x03, "Mage and Machine" episode 2x03, and "Seminar" episode 97, and Jordan and Brady Hendricks discuss refusing questions, funny southern guys, and heavy metal singing. Give us those star clicks, please!  

    Episode download: TWIP129master.mp3

    Release Date: January 31, 2021

    Run Time: 32:47
  • One Hundred Twenty-eighth Episode - 2020 Pendy Awards!

    Episode Number: 128

    It's the 2020 Pendy Awards! Celebrating excellence in Pendant Productions as voted on by YOU! Congratulations to all the winners and nominees, and thank you so much for listening! For 2021, may all of us be inestimable and "inspowered."

    Episode download: TWIP128master.mp3

    Release Date: January 3, 2021

    Run Time: 32:07
  • One Hundred Twenty-seventh Episode

    Episode Number: 127

    It's... still November? Somehow? Welcome to your blue TWIP! Is that a thing? Maybe it's a thing. What's definitely a thing is that TOMORROW is your last chance to vote in the 2020 Pendy Awards, so get that done soon! We've got new lead directors to talk about, a lead role is casting RIGHT NOW (audition, ladies!) and "Dreamnasium" season 2 scripts are moving right along! We've got exclusive preview clips of "The Kingery" episode 11x01, "Mage and Machine" episode 2x01, and "Seminar" episode 96, and Jordan and Pete Milan discuss shifts, ensembles, and poor bastards!

    Episode download: TWIP127master.mp3

    Release Date: November 29, 2020

    Run Time: 45:23
  • One Hundred Twenty-sixth Episode

    Episode Number: 126

    It's November and that means this month you'll get to nominate and vote in the 2020 Pendy Awards! Even more important than that is the election on Nov. 3 in the U.S., so maybe be sure you vote for that first and help save democracy, yeah? We've got a preview of The Pendant Shakespeare's complete "Richard II", and Jordan and Marte Brengle discuss marshmallows, unsuspecting evil beings, and chicken legs! This episode is both nice and good.

    Episode download: TWIP126master.mp3

    Release Date: November 1, 2020

    Run Time: 44:10
